28 Jun 2024

The news section of this website has moved to https://standardscommissioner.mt/news/. All news items previously published by the office of the Commissioner for Standards have been reproduced at the new location. News items published after the present date will appear at the new location only. This change has taken place as part of the relocation of…

17 Jun 2024

The official website of the Commissioner for Standards in Public Life is moving from standardscommissioner.com to standardscommissioner.mt. Members of the public are therefore kindly requested to visit https://standardscommissioner.mt to access the Commissioner’s website. The site is fully functional at this location. Persons who are looking for a specific page or document may find these links useful: Reports…

08 May 2024

This website is transitioning to standardscommissioner.mt. To see this news item, please visit https://standardscommissioner.mt/commissioners-office-contributes-to-international-initiatives-to-improve-ethical-standards/.

15 Dec 2023

This website is transitioning to standardscommissioner.mt. To see this news item, please visit https://standardscommissioner.mt/commissioner-proposes-that-he-should-publish-decisions-not-to-investigate-complaints/.

22 Nov 2023

This website is transitioning to standardscommissioner.mt. To see this news item, please visit https://standardscommissioner.mt/parliamentary-secretary-chris-bonett-did-not-benefit-from-preferential-treatment/.

27 Oct 2023

This website is transitioning to standardscommissioner.mt. To see this news item, please visit https://standardscommissioner.mt/oecd-presents-full-set-of-recommendations-on-integrity-standards-in-malta/.

27 Oct 2023

This website is transitioning to standardscommissioner.mt. To see this news item, please visit https://standardscommissioner.mt/oecd-issues-recommendations-on-asset-declarations-by-ministers-and-mps/.

15 Sep 2023

This website is transitioning to standardscommissioner.mt. To see this news item, please visit https://standardscommissioner.mt/ministers-should-not-use-official-activities-to-promote-themselves/.

07 Aug 2023

This website is transitioning to standardscommissioner.mt. To see this news item, please visit https://standardscommissioner.mt/an-mp-who-does-not-submit-a-tax-return-is-in-breach-of-ethics/.

04 Aug 2023

This website is transitioning to standardscommissioner.mt. To see this news item, please visit https://standardscommissioner.mt/standards-commissioner-recommends-that-advertising-guidelines-should-be-given-legal-basis/.